Work & Gallery
Some notable projects for which NatureSolutions Ltd undertook Environmental assessment, reporting and documentation for which EPA permit was obtained include;

Preliminary Environmental Assessment – Soap & Detergent plant
NatureSolutions Ltd undertook a preliminary environmental assessment in March 2016 for an 8ton (8T) per day capacity State-of-the-Art Soap and Detergent Plant for the African Consumer Products (GH) Ltd. The proposed site is located within the western part of the Tema Harbour Enclave.The environmental assessment included baseline studies, air quality and noise monitoring at the project site. Stakeholder consultation was undertaken with regards to the project with relevant regulatory bodies, agencies and neighbours at the project site. The findings of the assessment was documented in a Preliminary Environmental Report (PER) and submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (PER). The project was formally closed in February 2017 with an Environmental Permit issued for the proposed project.

Preliminary Environmental Assessment – Sugar Refinery plant
The team at NatureSolutions Ltd Undertook a preliminary environmental assessment in January 2015 for the proposed 700 to 1000 metric tons (MT) per month capacity sugar refinery for Vincien Sugar Refinery (GH) Ltd. The proposed site is located within the Kotoka International Airport Enclave. The environmental assessment included baseline studies, air quality and noise monitoring at the project site. Stakeholder consultation was undertaken with regards to the project with relevant regulatory bodies, agencies and neighbours at the project site. The findings of the assessment was documented in a Preliminary Environmental Report (PER) and submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (PER). The project was formally closed in April 2015 with an Environmental Permit issued for the proposed project.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) - Re-development of the Takoradi Market Circle.
NatureSolutions Ltd undertook an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) from April to May 2020 for the Re-development of the Takoradi Market Circle (TMC) within the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA). The Environmental Assessment included baseline studies, air quality and noise monitoring at the project site. Stakeholder consultation was undertaken with regards to the project with relevant regulatory bodies, agencies, institutions, and market traders within and around the project location. The findings of the assessment were documented in an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report and submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for permitting.
